E X E C U T I V E P L U S |
A business with 15, or more, partners/employees. |
$1950/year | $159/month |
List your business in ociacc.com directory |
Customer referrals to your business |
Discounts to networking events / workshops |
Member to member discounts |
Participation in discount programs |
Volunteer opportunities on committees and at events |
Your business description on our website's directory |
Listing of representative e-mail on website |
Opportunity for low cost advertising |
Social media promotion (monthly) |
Use of chamber logo on marketing materials |
Link to your website from ociacc.com |
Ribbon cutting |
Open House/Grand Opening event at your business |
Engraved name badges |
Logo featured on our website's home page |
Blog post once every quarter |
Free admission to monthly business mixers |
A 60-second video (provided by member) posted on ociacc.com directory |
Opportunity to present a workshop/seminar with a topic approved by chamber |
E X E C U T I V E |
A business with 4 to 14 partners/employees. |
$950/year |
List your business in ociacc.com directory |
Customer referrals to your business |
Discounts to networking events / workshops |
Member to member discounts |
Participation in discount programs |
Volunteer opportunities on committees and at events |
Your business description on our website's directory |
Listing of representative e-mail on website |
Opportunity for low cost advertising |
Social media promotion (monthly) |
Use of chamber logo on marketing materials |
Link to your website from ociacc.com |
Ribbon cutting |
Open House/Grand Opening event at your business |
Engraved name badges |
Logo featured on our website's home page |
Blog post once every quarter |
A 60-second video (provided by member) posted on ociacc.com directory |
E L I T E |
A business with 1 to 3 partners/employees. |
$650/year |
List your business in ociacc.com directory |
Customer referrals to your business |
Discounts to networking events / workshops |
Member to member discounts |
Participation in discount programs |
Volunteer opportunities on committees and at events |
Your business description on our website's directory |
Listing of representative e-mail on website |
Opportunity for low cost advertising |
Social media promotion (quarterly) |
Use of chamber logo on marketing materials |
Link to your website from ociacc.com |
I N D I V I D U A L |
One-person business, no partner/employee - MAY NEED OCIACC APPROVAL |
$350/year |
List your business in ociacc.com directory |
Customer referrals to your business |
Discounts to networking events / workshops |
Member to member discounts |
Participation in discount programs |
Volunteer opportunities on committees and at events |
Your business description on our website's directory |
Community Membership |
Not for a Business, Business Owner, or Entrepreneur - COMING SOON |
$50/year |
Access to most OCIACC events at member-discounted rates |
Member to Member discount |
Opportunity to volunteer at OCIACC events and committees. |
Invitations to Community Networking Mixers. |
Subscription to OCIACC newsletters for updates on events and opportunities. |
Recognition as a Community Supporter on the OCIACC website. |